Need more freedom with data transformation and automation? Check out Mipler Data Workflow!

Platform Features

With comprehensive reporting capabilities, you can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Reporting & Visualization

Build custom reports that fulfill business requirements and visualize results.



Export reports to various formats: XLSX, CSV, PDF, HTML, JSON.


Quick access & Sharing

Share reports with others using direct links or use the link for quick access.


Drill Down

Easily drill down from aggregated data view to detailed data within one click.


Integration with Google Sheets

Insert live report data from the app into Google Sheets without exporting each time.


Complex charts

Use various charts to visualize data: Bar, Column, Scatter, Linear, etc.


Pivot Tables

Organize data for easy reading: swap rows and columns, pivot by a few columns.


PIP Comparison

Compare actual data with past data by period or complex filters.


Nested Filters

Fulfill business requirements with nested filters and logical conditions: AND, OR.

Interactive Dashboard

Overview of all key information in one place.


Cross and Global Filters

Filter metrics on the dashboard using a global filter or drill down with cross filters.


TV Mode

Display only metrics, tables, and charts in Screenful dashboard mode.

Data Delivery

Simple access to data in any way that you need.


Shareable Links

Share reports with your team using direct short links.


Scheduled Emails

Setup schedule for email notifications with required reports by preset period.


Push to Google Sheets

Insert report data directly to Google Sheets with auto-update every few minutes.

Data Modeling

The data modeling layer describes what data is stored in the database, how tables are related, and declares ready-to-use formulas or calculations.


ACE Syntax

Easy-to-use Advanced Calculation Engine syntax allows you to define all required things: explores, views, measures, dimensions, joins, and derived tables.


Derived tables

Transform and put data into derived tables to feature using in the SQL queries.


Business metrics and calculations

Define, validate, and test the business required metrics and formulas.

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