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Shopify Sales Report by Product Tag

Get a breakdown of item sales sorted by product tags

Why Sales by Product Tag report is important

shopify sales by product tag

This Shopify get product tags report shows the product purchases data grouped by the product tags. Such a document can be considered an exceptionally powerful instrument for sales administration tasks of store supervisors.

They can utilize it to better understand changes and trends that happened during a specific time range.

When generating such a document, a reporting tool shows the breakdown of key monetary measurements for items tags currently used in a store for further analytics.

This statistical information can be examined straight through the provided numbers or can be transformed into solid diagrams for easy spotting of potential sales trends.

The usefulness of this reporting tool allows you to see the movement of your store's key financial indicators by comparing current data with previous time spans.

Utilizing this Shopify get products by tag report's default setup, a senior store manager can get information on the financial statistics of sales grouped by product tags. The data is presented in sections such as the number of orders, net quantity, gross, net, and total sales.

With the assistance of built-in filtering capabilities, the information shown on the screen can be made more representative of the requirements of a specific task. For instance, a senior manager can see item variation, item name, or SKUs in addition to the product tag. Such data can be helpful for inventory planning and marketing analytics.

What questions can be answered when looking at sales by product tag

This type of summary outline pulls the information on purchased items grouped in a helpful rundown format based on product tags. This can be a starting point to get an overview of the level of orders carried out in the store.

The summary can be utilized as part of in-store standard business practice for improving product choices and monitoring sales trends. The information gives a store manager a convenient tool to notice significant patterns in orders.

Discover Shopify data with well-tailored reports.

The data displayed in this summary can be used to answer such questions as:

  • What is the number of orders for each product tag within the specified time period?
  • What is the quantity of items sold for each product tag within the given time range?
  • How to see the purchase data on exact products, product variants, and SKUs for each product tag?
  • What are the key sales indicators (gross/net) for each product tag?
  • How many refunds does each product tag have?
  • What product tags do customers prefer to purchase using discount codes?
  • What discount codes and their marketing campaigns bring the most sales for each product tag?
  • What is the average discount value for every product tag sold in a store?

Expand this list of answers you may get on your sales by using additional data columns and data filters.

Key sales indicators in the report by tag

Utilize the provided information on sales given by the Mipler application to be informed about key sales measurements. Make it more illustrative with additional sections to get a customized close view. For instance, expand the report with the data segments for item variations and SKU.

shopify sales by product tag

Track the number of purchases and purchased items, gross and net within the chosen time span. Get a selling overview output for product tags with such data as:

  • Number of orders
  • Taxes
  • Discounts
  • Refunds
  • Gross, Net

Utilize these data segments to look at the current financial and inventory situations for each product tag within the chosen range of dates.

Reports similar to Sales by Product Tag

If you look at the sales data differently, you can see multiple trends in sales and inventory patterns. The rundown by product tags can be more useful when a store manager adjusts time spans and compares information between several time periods.

This tool allows creating a Sales by Product Tag report with a larger number of configured options than simply changing time spans for data analysis. Generate the summary of sales based on other factors available in the store database.

shopify sales by product tag

In conjunction with variant sales, a store manager can often use such summaries as:

  • Sales by Order Tags: See the financial summary for groups of products in your store. Get sales data based on the tags you attached.
  • Sales by Customer Tag: Tracking customers by tags lets you know where they came from into your store, what group they belong to, what types of purchases customers with specific tags make, etc.

A store manager can also use less similar reports to get an additional view on sales. This can be done with such summaries as:

  • Sales by Variant: See both the variants that are selling the best and those that are not selling at all. Keep your inventory according to the variant sales.
  • Sales by Collection: Get a detailed breakdown of sales split by product collection. This is another way to view sales in a store, besides the direct sales by product or sales by variant reports. This report is grouped by collection name and sorted by the quantity of purchased items from each collection.
  • Sales by Vendor > Product > Variant: Similar to the Sales by Vendor and Sales by Collection reports, but more detailed. The report is sorted by vendor, product, and variant.

Key columns for Sales by Product Tag

The default table with the data on sales by product tag consists of such columns as:

shopify sales by product tag
  • ORDERS Number of orders
  • ORDER ITEMS Net Quantity
  • ORDER ITEMS Gross Sales
  • ORDER ITEMS Discounts
  • REFUND ITEMS Returns
  • ORDER ITEMS Net Sales
  • ORDERS Shipping
  • ORDER ITEMS Total Sales

The chief administrator can exclude any of the currently included data segments from the report and add a few extra ones for more clarity of the report. Pick available data segments from the list.

Here is how some of the key columns in the default report are calculated:

  • ORDER ITEMS Gross Sales. The final column of the default report is calculated through the price and quantity.

    [ORDER ITEMS Gross Sales] = [PRODUCT VARIANTS Price] × [ORDER ITEMS Quantity]

    If taxes are included, then the formula for Gross transforms to:

    [ORDER ITEMS Gross Sales] = [PRODUCT VARIANTS Price] × [ORDER ITEMS Quantity] – [ORDER ITEMS Tax]
  • ORDER ITEMS Net Sales. The net column of the default report is calculated through gross, discounts, and refunds.

    [ORDER ITEMS Net Sales] = [ORDER ITEMS Gross Sales] - [ORDERS Discounts] – [REFUND ITEMS Returns]
  • ORDERS Shipping. The shipping fees are obtained from the total shipping price and amount.

    [ORDERS Shipping] = [ORDERS Shipping amount] - [ORDER ADJUSTMENTS Total Shipping Amount]
  • ORDER ITEMS Total Sales. Get the sum of total sales calculated as:

    [ORDERS Total Sales] = [ORDERS Net Sales] + [ORDERS Shipping] + [ORDERS Tax]

Variations of the Sales by Product Tag report

You can get one more view on sales adjacent to the Sales by Product Tag report. By utilizing variations of the default report, a store master can acquire a clearer understanding of the shop's business status.

One of the easiest methods for getting another look at the store's business achievements is by comparing a specific date range with a past period.

Utilizing filtering channels and sorting choices, executive store managers can find answers to some other questions regarding sales that they may have. Here are a few examples of the report variations.

How to see sales by location

shopify sales by product type

You can easily see the sales data grouped by product tag alongside the data on the geographical location of shoppers.

See what provinces, cities, and countries you have the most or least purchases for specific product tags.

How to see customer’s lifetime value

It is well known that existing customers cost less than attracting new ones for a store. Depending on the purchases each customer makes, he sets his individual value for a store.

You can easily see the customer lifetime value with the CUSTOMERS CLV data column. Use it to monitor signs of shopper attrition in your store.

How to run a customer report on Shopify by tags

Running a Shopify report by tag is not directly possible. Shopify's reporting tools don't support filtering, creating and export reports based on tags. Businesses seeking such insights must use external tools or custom integrations, involving additional steps like data export and analysis in other software.

How to export the report

Exporting reports is straightforward and versatile, catering to various formats like CSV, PDF, XLSX, HTML, and JSON. Users can easily accomplish this by tapping on the export icon located at the top right corner of the app interface. The export feature allows for a seamless transition of data from the app to a format suitable for further analysis, sharing, or record-keeping, making it highly convenient for users who need to manage and utilize their data across different platforms or for various purposes.

How to see gross margin in percent

Gross margin is one of the parameters for business performance, which shows how much financial funds the store retains. The higher this indicator is, the more capital is available to pay for other costs.

See the gross margin in percent by activating a corresponding column.

[ORDERS Gross Margin, %] = ([ORDERS Net Sales] - [ORDERS COGS]) ÷ [ORDERS Net Sales] × 100

The result is rounded to two numbers after the comma sign. If the calculation result is negative, the report shows zero value in a table.

How to see the total cost of purchased items

The total cost of purchased items in the order is calculated as:


How to see what type of customer made the purchase

A store can have both new and recurring customers, with the latter being preferable. Merchants can easily see what types of customers buy in their stores within the ORDERS Customer Type column.

In case the date of the customer’s first order is equal to the order processing date, then the customer is considered a first-time buyer. Otherwise, they are assigned to a Returning type. If the report cannot detect the customer ID, it will display the Unknown value.

How to get total sales

Get the sum of total sales calculated as:

[ORDERS Total Sales] = [ORDERS Net Sales] + [ORDERS Shipping] + [ORDERS Tax]

The ORDERS Net Sales are obtained as:

[ORDERS Net Sales] = [ORDERS Gross Amount] - [ORDERS Discounts] - [REFUNDS Returns]

The ORDERS Shipping is obtained as:

[ORDERS Shipping] = [ORDERS Shipping amount] - [ORDER ADJUSTMENTS Total Shipping Amount]

The ORDERS Tax is obtained as:

[ORDERS Tax] = [ORDERS Taxes] – [REFUNDS Total Tax Amount]
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