Simple pricing to solve complex tasks

No matter the size of your business, our price reflects only the value!


Good for a fast start in a new area - workflow automation.


  • 10 Flows
  • Maximum flow execution time: 3 minutes
  • Manual and Scheduled Run
  • Free email and chat support


Perfect for a growing business that realizes the value of automation.


  • Unlimited Flows
  • Maximum flow execution time: 10 minutes
  • Manual, Scheduled and Webhook Run
  • Free email and chat support


Large ecommerce, hundreds of files and processes - that's the plan for you.


  • Unlimited Flows
  • Maximum flow execution time: 60 minutes
  • Manual, Scheduled and Webhook Run
  • API access
  • Free email and chat support
Make your next move 🏆

No-code data automation and analytics platform

A no-code and low-code platform for data blending, transformation and automation, designed to streamline processes and enhance productivity.

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