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Working with Dates

The tasks related to dates usually include three groups:

  • Parsing dates
  • Extracting parts of dates
  • Match operations, like adding, subtracting, comparing, and finding the difference

Parsing dates

If a date or timestamp is represented as a string, you need to convert it to the timestamp type before starting to work with it. For such conversion, you can use the function as_timestamp.

The function accepts one required argument (input string) and an optional layout used to parse non-typical date representations.

The layouts can vary and depend on the input date format:

  • Jan 2, 2006 15:04:05
  • January 2, 06 15:04:04
ElementPossible values
Year"2006", "06"
Month"Jan", "January", "01", "1"
Day of the week"Mon", "Monday"
Day of the month"2", "_2", "02"
Day of the year"__2", "002"
Hour"15", "3", "03" (PM or AM)
Minute"4", "04"
Second"5", "05"
AM/PM mark"PM"
as_timestamp(`date`, "Jan 2, 2006 15:04:05")
as_timestamp(`date`, "02/01/06")

Once the string value is converted to a timestamp value, you can apply any date-related functions.

Extracting parts of dates

There are many functions that can help you to select part of date, for example:
