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Function List

Mipler Flow supports advanced expressions for blending, transforming, and cleaning data in various ways. Functions can be used to create different expressions for new columns, filters, or special transformations.

To create new columns or modify existing ones, you can use a combination of functions in the Create Calculation step. Additionally, expressions can be used in the Filter step to apply advanced filtering logic.

When using functions, don't forget to add backticks for columns column1 and quotes for strings "text".

Examples of different expressions for the Create Calculation step:

json_path(`billing_address`, "city")


case_when(`discount_amount` > 0, (`discount_amount` / `grand_amount`) * 100, NULL)

Examples for the Filter step:

trim(`body`) = ""

and(year(`created_at`) > 2020, year(`created_at`) <= 2022)

Here is a list of key functions available in each category:

as_timestampDate and TimeConverts a string value to a date-time value (timestamp type).
monthDate and TimeReturns the month of the year a specific date falls in, in numeric format.
yearDate and TimeReturns the year specified by a given date.
andLogicalReturns TRUE if all of the provided arguments are logically TRUE, and FALSE if any of the provided arguments are logically FALSE.
case_whenLogicalReturns one value if a logical expression (condition) is TRUE and another if it is FALSE.
is_emptyLogicalChecks whether the referenced column or expression is empty or NULL.
is_nullLogicalChecks whether the referenced column or expression is NULL.
notLogicalReturns the opposite of a logical value - not(TRUE) returns FALSE; not(FALSE) returns TRUE.
orLogicalReturns TRUE if any of the provided arguments are logically TRUE, and FALSE if all of the provided arguments are logically FALSE.
concatSummarizationThe concat function combines strings into a single string. This function is useful for merging text data or creating composite keys.
countSummarizationCounts the number of distinct values by given group.
cumsumSummarizationThe cumsum function calculates the cumulative sum of a numeric column. This function is useful for performing running totals, which are common in financial calculations, cumulative performance analysis, and tracking progressive data trends.
maxSummarizationFinds the maximum value in a column.
minSummarizationFinds the minimum value in a column.
row_numberSummarizationThe row_number function assigns a sequential integer to each row in the data set. This function is typically used to generate a unique identifier for each row, which can be useful for ranking, pagination, and identifying specific rows in ordered datasets.
rowsSummarizationThe rows function counts the total number of rows in a data set.
sumSummarizationCalculates the total sum of numeric values in a column.
arrangeTable manipulationArranges rows of a table based on specified order criteria.
ascTable manipulationSpecifies ascending order for a column.
descTable manipulationSpecifies descending order for a column.
filterTable manipulationReturns a table that has been filtered based on a specified condition.
left_joinTable manipulationPerforms a left join on two tables based on specified criteria.
mutateTable manipulationAdds new columns or modifies existing columns in a table.
selectTable manipulationSelects specific columns from a table.
summarizeTable manipulationSummarizes a table by aggregating data.
top_nTable manipulationReturns the top N rows of the table based on specified criteria.
as_stringTextThe as_string function converts various data types into a string format. This function is particularly useful when you need to ensure that data is in a consistent, readable format for display, concatenation, or further text-based operations.
json_pathTextAllows navigation and retrieval of specific data from JSON objects or arrays based on a specified path or query.
regex_extractTextThe regex_extract function takes an input string and a regular expression (regex) pattern and extracts all the substrings that match the pattern. It returns a list of these matching substrings. This function is useful for parsing text and extracting specific data based on patterns, such as extracting email addresses, phone numbers, dates, or any other patterns from a given text.
str_containsTextReturns TRUE if a column or expression contains the specified pattern.
trimTextThe trim function removes leading and trailing whitespace and new line characters from a string. This is useful for cleaning and standardizing text data, ensuring there are no extra spaces or lines at the beginning or end of the strings.